Feb 6, 2024


You Can Turn Your Finances Around

UNSPLASH | cdd20


In our life there comes a moment, when what is no longer is fulfilling. Sure, maybe you're too demanding, but more often it's the opposite. You've been quietly letting time fly by while your life has drifted aimlessly and your dreams and goals are nowhere in sight. 

And then, all of sudden you realize you’ve had it! You can’t take this any more. You need a change!

Sounds familiar? Can you recall a situation in your life, when you decided to do something about your problems? Stand up and give it your best. I’m sure you have. Even if it was a long time ago, try to come back to that memory. There was a problem and you solved it. You shifted your situation because you made a decision. Because you came to a point where the discomfort was larger than the effort of making the change happen, being vulnerable while trying. Because when we try we can fail. And failing for most is hard.

Yet you stood up and did it again, until it was done. You changed your course. Finished school, got that job, ran that marathon, whatever it was, you made it happen, because you had a 

Reason to Do It.

The great Tony Robbins frequently talks about the why not the how. When we have a strong enough reason we will find a way, he says. I find it super true. So many times in my life I’ve spent weeks, if not months, looking for a method, but then not acting on it. Paralyzed, by the crippling fear of the unknown, who will I become, can I stand up to the task, can I bear the responsibility… bla bla bla

So find your Why! Find a strong enough reason, so that no matter how big the obstacle, your determination will propel you right through. Don’t have one? Best find it, or just make it up. For the brain it’s no difference, if you believe it hard enough, but as with everything in life, this also takes some work to nail down correctly for most people. One good technique is Dream Life, in which you sit down in a comfortable and nice spot and imagine your dream life in 5 years. Anything is possible in this dream and you plan your day and reality according to your whim, deep needs, desires and passions. 

Based on this dream you can chart a path to your future and make it your goal. It’s important, that your goal, reason to change resonates with you, that it really moves you emotionally. Otherwise it will vanish in the wind like any other resolution you’ve made before. 

Write it down on a card or piece of paper and carry it with you, or put it up on your desk and repeat daily. I know that sounds strange and cringy, but it works, as you’re reinforcing your determination to make it happen and forging a neural pathway in your brain. The more times you repeat it, the easier it will become to define it in yourself and what’s even more important

Live it!

Yes, live like you’ve already turned your finances around. And now I don’t mean, spend as much as a millionaire, quite the opposite. Be highly aware of your financial situation, check it daily, but also feel abundance around you and chart a clear path to attain it, bridge any knowledge or skill set gaps and feel you have already attained your goal.

For example if your goal is to be well off financially, until you really feel you are capable of attaining it, it will be very hard to make progress. The reason being, that your identity might be a person, who struggles with money. In such a case you will constantly be sabotaging your efforts to change your situation.

After all, there is a reason why you’re reading this article. If you’ve already changed your finances around, you wouldn’t be here. Yet you are, so there’s something holding you back. Trying to feel like you’ve already changed it will also show you what is stopping you. 

When I first tried to visualize myself as a “rich” person years ago it felt utterly impossible. Back then everything above my status was rich to me. And any improvement felt unattainable. I didn’t feel I earned it, I also felt unworthy and not “one of them”, those who make it in life. The whole irony was in the fact, that I was already earning more than average and my company was well known and highly valued in my niche, so my feelings were really not a reflection of my situation.

When I realized how strongly they’re affecting my reality I decided to change them. I have also shifted my identity and today my vision of myself and my future are radically different. It’s very bright, fun and colorful.

The How

I know you were looking for a simple method of three bullet points and here I‘m still rumbling on. Yet I believe I have already outlined it in the paragraphs above.

  • Do the dream Life Exercise. 

  • Define your Goal.

  • Make it Count.

  • Find your why, your reason to act.

  • Write it down and repeat daily.

  • Make your Master Plan.

  • Execute Daily.

  • Execute Relentlessly as if you couldn’t fail!

We haven’t talked here about how to make your Master Plan and about Execution, but that comes later. And if you’re looking for simple and effective tools I highly recommend our app. We’ve created it exactly with this goal in mind; Changing your financial situation for the better, living a happy and fulfilled life where your energy is in harmony, giving and receiving.

Looking forward to seeing you here again!

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